Pricing + Services


Counseling sessions at $165

Speaking Engagements starting at $150

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Individual Counseling

Available for ages 14-114. Individual counseling is a one on one relationship between you and the therapist. We may talk about: trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, life transitions, grief/loss, self-esteem, abuse and more.

Couples Counseling

Couples counseling is available for couples in all stages of life. Couples counseling is great for: dating, pre-marital counseling, marital counseling, intimacy, conflict resolution, life transitions, help after infidelity, grief/loss, and more.

Extra-dyadic relationship counseling
(Consenual Non-Monogomy)

Extra-dyadic relationship counseling is for partners involved in consensual non-monogamy relationships. It is tailored to be an affirming experience and support partners through whatever their current struggle is. We may cover: conflict resolution, intimacy, life transitions, help after infidelity, grief/loss, and more.

Sex therapy

Sex Therapy is talk therapy with a focus on sexual issues. This may be for individuals, couples, or multiple partners. Topics we may focus on are: concerns with sexual desire or arousal, sexual interest or orientation, orgasm difficulties, early ejaculation, intimacy issues, painful intercourse, and more.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Counseling

Both domestic violence and sexual assault are relational traumas. Counseling focused in these areas will assist with anxiety, trauma responses, depression, increasing coping skills, and more.

Domestic Violence — Domestic Violence counseling with Tori is focused on individual therapy for survivors of domestic violence, whether those survivors have left the relationship, are still in the relationship, or are not sure if what they are experiencing is abuse. The aim is to support survivors through the decisions they make that are best for their lives.

Sexual Assault— Sexual Assault counseling is focused on individual therapy for survivors of sexual assault. Support may be focused on issues of self-blame, fear responses, meaning making, finding our sense of self again, having a happy sexuality, and more.

Speaking Engagements

Tori is available to provide workshops, classroom guidance, and other speaking engagements on the topics of: trauma, domestic violence, sexual assault, consent, healthy relationships, sexual health, sexuality, and more!

Local: $150/hour
Travel: Variable